We fund primary school education, supplement staff salaries, subsidize secondary education, and…
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We support a permanent medical clinic, collaborate on a clean water project,…
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community health
We empower the communities we support to increase their education, health, and…
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economic development
We provide adult education, resources and local employment to support self-sufficiency.
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Throughout the year we send medical teams to rural Northern Haiti to…
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Economic Development
For M. Dieumetre, the micro-loan program funded through Haiti Foundation of Hope has been a great help to him and his family. It was once difficult to find food but now he has multiple gardens and animals.
The micro-loan program is just one aspect of the economic development activities taking place in Terre Blanche and surrounding communities.
M. Dieumetre uses his micro-loan money to buy seeds. He grows millet, a corn-like grain common in Haiti. He has a garden near the river, and others on the hillside. He sells the millet at the market in Gonaives.
Along with the loan of money for small businesses, participants in the micro-loan program receive education on money management.
Another economic development activity taking place is agricultural training. Haiti Foundation of Hope recently held agricultural training for 30 people. Part of the training included learning how to use drip irrigation. Each participant was given a drip kit to use in their own gardens.
Those who received training are excited to use their new knowledge and to share the knowledge with their neighbors and friends.
Many people in Terre Blanche and the surrounding communities make their living off the land – growing crops or raising small livestock. Currently, the area is severely lacking rainfall. The river that runs through the area is almost dry. For almost all the farmers, the most recent crops have failed due to the drought conditions.