Abel has a noticeable presence about him. At 6-foot-2, it’s not just a physical presence, but an intensity and eagerness that comes through in his personality. He is the third- oldest in a family of eight children.
Abel was 16 years old when he started school in Terre Blanche. He completed primary school in his hometown but there was no high school so he entered 7th grade in Terre Blanche.
Now in the 12th grade, Abel walks an hour and half to get to school. He walks in the mornings on an empty stomach because there is never enough food at his home for breakfast. Food at his home is usually not available for dinners or on weekends either, which makes the school lunches an important part of the school day. Abel says the lunches of rice, beans and sauce are very important to him and taste good.
Math, English and physics top his list of favorite subjects. Abel says the teachers in Terre Blanche are good and explain the lessons well, making it easy for him to learn.
Abel has a dream of using the English he has learned in class to be a translator as he has observed translators work with medical teams at the Clinic of Hope. This past summer, a youth team from the Northwest traveled to work with the youth in Terre Blanche.
Abel was in one of the English classes and when it became clear that another translator was needed, Abel stepped forward to fill in the gap. The Northwest youth pastor said he was impressed with Abel’s leadership and servant’s heart during the four days they worked together. At the end of the week Abel was surprised by a monetary gift – wages for translating. A dream is taking root.
Principal Lunel described Abel as gentle, polite, and someone who likes school, studies hard and is very smart. M. Lunel sees great potential in this young man and said, “Maybe he will take my place one day.” Another dream…
There are almost 1,000 students with similar stories, dreams and hopes at the school in Terre Blanche. Please consider supporting one of these students on a monthly basis. $15 each month supports a primary student and $25 per month supports a secondary student. You can donate online.