Written by Dr. Joe and Linda Markee, HFH team leaders:
We’ve heard it said by former team members that Terre Blanche does not look the same as on previous trips. We can say the same for 2016. Thanks to all the support to upgrade the cafeteria, the Haiti Foundation of Hope campus is much different.
This month, we plan to feed 250 students at one time, compared to the present 45 students who eat in shifts. We want to say thank you to our favorite architect, Mr. Previl, who has put his mark of quality on the new cafeteria, as he has on all the numerous buildings of the campus.
Other highlights from teams this year:
Our sixth medical conference was held in February and attended by more than 120 Haitian health professionals from northern rural Haiti and Port-au-Prince. In addition to team presentations, we were honored by a presentation from Dr. Jack Guy Lafontant, President of the Port-au-Prince Medical Society.
In March, Dr. Buck Hoyle and his wife, Molly, along with other team members, held an eye clinic. These are the leaders of the only HFH ophthalmology team that has come to Terre Blanche. What a blessing this eye team was to these underserved people.
Multiple teams combined their efforts to care for one of our favorite patients, Bienca. She was a severely malnourished 2-week-old infant when she first came to the clinic. Nurses from both the February and March teams worked tirelessly around the clock. There was much LOVE, GRIEF, PRAYER and finally JOY, when on our last clinic day, Bienca finally broke through the 4 pound barrier. Many people gave high-fives, including Bienca’s mother.
Outside the clinic, team members have been providing English lessons to students at the secondary school.
While the February and March teams were in Terre Blanche, we cared for more than 1,500 patients, performed more than 30 surgeries, and shared Jesus Christ with many people, not only during church services but also in the clinic. Additionally more than 5,500 pounds of rice and 1,200 pounds beans were distributed to many needy people.
Thank you again for your prayers. One last bit of good news… it is raining in Terre Blanche! High in the mountains it is raining, the land is turning green and the rivers are filling with water.
Please continue to pray that the rain will nourish the land, the crops will grow, and people will see this as God’s loving provision for them.
We are headed to Haiti again with our June team members. More stories to come…