(March 2011 newsletter)
The cholera epidemic in Haiti, which broke out last October, appears to be on the wane. As of February 9, 2011, there had been a total of 231,070 cases and 4,549 deaths due to cholera.
Many cholera treatment centers, which had been seeing up to 200 new cases a day, are now seeing 5 to 10 per day, and the mortality rate has declined as well. This has provided some breathing room to improve case management at the treatment centers and continue community education.
In Terre Blanche, the clinic staff report very few cases recently, and the community health program successfully reached into all corners of the three villages we serve with education and chlorine solution for water treatment.
While this is good news, we should expect cholera to remain endemic in Haiti for many years, with periodic outbreaks associated with the rainy and hot seasons.
Read more stories in the March 2011 newsletter.