Haiti Foundation of Hope has community health volunteers in six villages. These trained volunteers keep an eye on their neighbors and provide education about medical issues and direct them to the Clinic of Hope for medical care.
Rosena is a potential community health volunteer and knows the importance of clean water. Rosena and her parents have been praying a long time for a community well close to their home. Their prayers were answered when well drillers – Kurt King, Kevin Kate and team – arrived in their community.
There was much praise to God when the well was complete. To show their appreciation and thankfulness, Rosena’s family gave a chicken as a gift.
Five new community wells, with good water, were drilled and at least 12 wells were repaired in several villages. The well in the village of Desiree produces eight gallons per minute of good water. The Lord is good!
What a blessing for Haiti Foundation of Hope to partner with others to help provide clean water to these rural communities.