Hurricane Destroys Crops

Thoughts and Prayers for Haiti
October 5, 2016

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Hurricane Matthew has left Haiti but not without causing significant damage.

The crops in Terre Blanche and the surrounding area were all destroyed due to heavy rain and winds. Local crops and gardens are people’s food source and livelihoods. Our local volunteers have distributed food to some of those in need.

A medical team which was already scheduled to be in Terre Blanche this month will be arriving soon. We will keep you updated as we get more information.

The History and Help Needed:

The region of Haiti where we work is no stranger to weather destruction, both from flooding and drought. With reliance on individual gardens and crops and limited income and employment, families often struggle to have enough food each day.

Haiti Foundation of Hope provides ongoing programs which address this basic need. We subsidize education for nearly 1,000 children and each student receives a healthy meal during the day. There is also an ongoing food distribution program for those families most in need. Other programs, such as the women’s trade school and micro-loans, help families generate income. To give to these programs or other projects, donate online.

And, as always, please keep Haiti in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

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