The Joy of Sight
The March medical team working at the Clinic of Hope in Terre Blanche included an eye clinic. The medical team was joined by a five-person Haitian eye team with Medical Ministry International which performed 12 cataract surgeries all in one day.
For people suffering the loss of
vision due to cataracts, the chance to regain sight is life changing. After removing bandages the day after surgery, one woman could not stop expressing her gratitude.
In addition to distributing reading glasses and treating glaucoma and eye injuries, Dr. Buck Hoyle, an ophthalmologist from Colorado, and other members of the medical team screened patients for cataract surgery. The surgeries were a success, including surgery for an 11-year-old girl.
Staff at the Clinic of Hope continue to coordinate follow-up visits with the Haitian ophthalmologist for the patients, who are all doing well.
What an exciting time at the Clinic of Hope. Thank you for all you do to support this work.