The most impactful aspect of my first HFH team to Haiti in February of 2017 was my close interaction with people of all ages. As a nurse, most encounters were with those who were suffering and came to the Clinic of Hope for medical care. However, school children were always around.
One time, I had a few minutes to “chat” with four young men I had met during the week. They LOVED to practice their English. We used my language app to ask each other questions. Topics ranged from sports teams to their daily lives. (Sadly, they were not familiar with the Seattle Seahawks or the Ohio State Buckeyes, my family’s favorites!)
I was so impressed with these four young men:
- Francky, whose mother had died when he was young, wanted to be an engineer. He loved to cook for his dad.
- Todo wanted to be a doctor and went to school in Gonaives. He played soccer and also loved to cook.
- Bebe simply stated he wanted to be a good father.
- The fourth young man wanted to become a pastor. He also loved to play soccer and cook.
My heart is so thankful for the work of HFH and our partners in Terre Blanche through the schools, the Clinic of Hope and the church.
These ministries have impacted the lives of these four young men in the remote hills of Haiti. They may live in homes without solid walls, running water or electricity – but they have been introduced to Jesus and have solid hopes of fruitful lives.
by Susan Paynter, RN, HFH board member
Note: Due to safety concerns, HFH teams have not been able to travel to Haiti since March 2019. However, because of the partnership of HFH, its supporters and in-country partners, the work in Terre Blanche continues. Haitians lead and work in the Clinic of Hope, the schools, the community health program and more. Your ongoing support makes all of this possible. Thank you!