Not all students in the Terre Blanche high school live in Terre Blanche. Some students come from other villages that do not have a school that goes beyond grade six.
This past summer, three students visited Pastor Delamy to express their appreciation and thankfulness for the school in Terre Blanche.
These three young women live in the village of Dubedou where school ends after 6th grade. They all started 7th grade at the school in Terre Blanche. This school year, one is starting 12th grade and the other two have just finished high school.
Pastor Delamy’s heart was encouraged by their visit and words of appreciation. The dedicated school staff and administration, and those that prepare the school lunches are working together to make a difference in the lives of children in this part of Haiti.
Thank you for giving so these students can have an education for the future. Your gifts provide books, uniforms, school lunches and pay teacher salaries.