It has been a dream for many years for the Women’s Trade School to have a place they could call home. Through the generosity of HFH supporters, this dream has been fulfilled. This beautiful tonèl is that home.
Tonèl translates as arbor, a covered structure that allows good air flow. This tonèl is a permanent, well-constructed structure that will also be used for group meetings, Bible studies and small seminars. The tonèl is especially useful during these Covid days where good air-flow and space are important. The extended porch can be used for outdoor crusades in the school yard.
This dream project was started in October 2020 and the fully furnished tonèl was completed in time to celebrate Haiti’s Flag Day on May 18, 2021. This is the first building one sees when entering the school compound and is a source of pride and hope.
HFH board member Greta McKinney responded to the news of this finished project with these words:
Seeing the photo of the tonèl and reading Pastor Delamy’s description of the project reminded me anew of the reasons I love the people of Haiti. How amazing is Pastor Delamy’s optimistic and visionary spirit! Combined with his ethical heart and pastoral leadership he continues to do great work in partnership with HFH.
I can imagine the terribly difficult situation in Haiti, with the country in political turmoil… What is the response in Terre Blanche? To create something beautiful, well-constructed and from the heart. The tonèl has been built with the vision of a better future – spiritually, educationally and economically. A symbol of great hope in a very desperate time.