Back to School

October 15, 2021

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Ready for school!

Excitement, joy, anticipation, new clothes and a little bit of nervousness – these are all parts of the first day of school, whether in the U.S. or Haiti.

Besides providing a daily school lunch and the salaries of the professors, HFH also provides the money for the student uniform fabric and books.

Fabric for the school uniforms is ordered in bulk in May. After the fabric arrives, it is cut and packaged into individual bags for distribution. The skirts, jumpers, shorts and pants are made of gray fabric. The shirts and blouses are turquoise gingham check which is the official uniform of all Free Methodist schools in Haiti. After the packaging is complete, they are distributed to the families of the school children. It is the responsibility of each family to have the fabric sewn into uniforms. Sewing school uniforms is a yearly source of income for many of the graduates of the Terre Blanche Women’s Trade School.

Books are ordered during the summer for book distribution on the first day of school. Almost 900 students arrive on the first day, wearing their uniforms. They wait in line for their turn to take a seat and receive their books. They will also meet their teachers. The staff at the Terre Blanche schools are dedicated, caring and well-respected.

HFH is grateful for the partners who provide funds to educate this next generation. We remember the days when there was no school in Terre Blanche and now there are many bright-eyed children eager to get back to learning!

by Linda Markee, HFH Founder Emerita

Cutting and packaging uniform fabric for distribution.

Collecting school books.

Meeting teachers and picking up school books.


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