Kacy Cox, RN, is blogging about her experiences as part of a Haiti Foundation of Hope medical team. Here is some of her writing:
When we were in the Portland airport, waiting at the terminal with our boxes of medical supplies crowded around us, a lady looked at us as she rushed by, stopped walking, and asked, “Hey, where are you guys going?”
“We‘re going to Haiti.”
She paused and with this look of purpose in her eyes said “I thought you might be…Thank you.”
Every time we have said those words, “We’re going to Haiti,” I kind of feel like a celebrity. Strange difference. Like I’ve said before, in the past I’ve found myself more often than not reminding people that Haiti wasn’t some kind of tropical resort island.
This time we got off the plane and were taken by bus to a different building than the airport, because the main building is damaged. This year, we walked outside to the audience of Haitian men and women staring, their arms hanging over the fence. I’m still not sure what their stoic expressions meant…