Carried on a bed

Seeking help
February 6, 2021

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Do you know the Bible story of the man who was carried on a mat by his friends to Jesus for healing? Luke 5:17-26

This week, a young woman was carried from her home in Bassin to the Clinic of Hope on a bed. What a wonderful example of love for this woman by her friends and family. They knew there was medical help to be found at the Clinic of Hope and they set out.

Behind the mask is Miss Fredeline, R.N., who provided assessment and treatment.

Not being able to walk on her own and with no other form of transportation available, this woman arrived at the Clinic of Hope on the shoulders of others. Her village is three hours by car from Terre Blanche and a longer journey by foot. It could not have been comfortable for anyone.

What a relief to be welcomed by the medical staff who immediately set about assessing and treating this woman. The Clinic of Hope is very well named: there is hope in this clinic.

The story in Luke 5 says, “Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God…”

When Pastor Delamy shared this story he ended with: “We cannot do what we are doing without God through HFH. God is good!”

We thank God for your partnership with HFH which provides spiritual and physical hope through our Haitian partners and the dedicated staff at the Clinic of Hope.


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