Haiti may be going through difficult times but patients are still receiving excellent care at the Clinic of Hope. Below are three stories from September.
A man, returning from his garden, fell and severely cut his hand with his knife. He was bleeding profusely and had passed out. He was brought to the Clinic of Hope by friends. Miss Fredeline and Miss Ruth were at the clinic and provided treatment. This man’s prognosis is good.
A 9 year old boy was taken to a government dispensary several miles away and was told, “We have nothing here to take care of that, go to the clinic in Terre Blanche.” Traveling through a very hard rain, the boy arrived at the Clinic of Hope and his injured knee was treated.
A mother traveled from Gonaives, encountering barricades along the way, to bring her anemic 5 month old daughter to the Clinic of Hope. The child was evaluated and treated by Dr. Catiana and Miss Fredeline. The baby was kept overnight for observation before being released. The lack of health care in Gonaives due to the country-wide lock down and the Clinic of Hope’s reputation brought this child to Terre Blanche for care.
These stories are a few examples of the patients who walk or are carried through the doors of the Clinic of Hope each and every day. These patients are treated with compassion by well-trained Haitian professionals: doctors, nurses, nurse/midwife and lab technologists.
As HFH’s in-country partner wrote, “The Clinic of Hope is an amazing God-given gift through HFH to people in Haiti.”
Thank you for helping meet the physical needs of those who come to the Clinic of Hope.

Receiving treatment for a severely cut hand.

Treating a nine year old’s injured knee.

Treating a five month old girl.