An opportunity to give hope
You may have read in the news this past week about the riots and protests in Haiti, where demonstrators are upset about the rising cost of food.
“Haiti is particularly affected by food prices, which have risen 40 percent on average globally since mid-2007. With 80 percent of its population struggling to survive on less than $2 a day, the rising prices pose a real threat to its fragile democracy,” according to the
Our thoughts and prayers are with those in Haiti during this time of unrest. We pray for their safety during the violence and we continue to pray for the underlying problem of hunger.
Haiti is considered the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and one of the poorest in the world. Volunteers with Haiti Foundation of Hope have seen over the years that malnutrition is a real concern. They have also seen that hunger has a solution: food.
Haiti Foundation of Hope has an ongoing feeding program for children who attend school in Terre Blanche. Every student receives a hot meal each day. For some students, it’s their only meal of the day. Like everything and everyone in Haiti, the feeding program is being affected by the rising cost of food.
We thank those of you who have generously donated money to buy food for the school children in Terre Blanche and ask you to continue. We ask everyone else to consider giving in this time of need. You can donate online or send a check and donation slip by mail.