Every day there seems to be another news article about the violence and emergence of stronger gang activity throughout Haiti.
This is especially true in the larger cities. Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haitien, and Gonaives continue to live in the stark reality of uncertain times.
The truth is the situation in Haiti is extremely dire. No matter where you live in Haiti, you are not immune from the daily challenges. Going to the market to buy or sell is dangerous. Fuel is difficult to come by. Food is hard to find and if found, the prices have risen far more than many can afford.
There is some good news! If you are reading this article, YOU are part of the reason for hope.
Terre Blanche is somewhat sheltered from much of the violence. This is in great part because of the geographical location: a small village on a dirt road and a little bit off the main highway.
Terre Blanche is also blessed to have a strong security system. Several years ago, the walls around the Clinic of Hope and the schools were fortified. Security staff were added and the community itself made the decision to step up and protect what they have.
Medika Mamba, the life-saving nutrition for infants, is always kept in stock. Rice and beans, when available, are purchased for emergency purposes.
People are learning to cope with the changing situation around them and Haiti Foundation of Hope strives to be a resource. None of this work we do would be possible without our partners in Terre Blanche and you. Thank you!

Men pre-packaging beans to distribute to those in need of food.
The schools of Terre Blanche continue to be open and serve local students. At times the schools may be open on an informal basis, meaning that regular classes are not available. Other times it is school as usual. But the schools are open daily; teaching is happening daily; and more importantly, the children who do attend are receiving an essential daily meal. There is even Summer School with special classes and the lunch program continues.
The Clinic of Hope remains open as well. This includes the services offered at the recently opened Markee Maternity Center. There is an extremely dedicated staff of doctors, nurses, and support staff who travel to Terre Blanche when it is safe. There is a dormitory that houses the staff (clinic and teaching) who stay the night. Meals are prepared and provided for overnight staff.
The Clinic of Hope has also started an outreach program of home visits to underserved communities. This is in addition to the trained community health volunteers who visit their neighbors daily to check on their health and see to their needs.
The Free Methodist Church of Terre Blanche remains open, meeting the spiritual needs of the community and thriving! Through difficult times, our brothers and sisters in Haiti are trusting in the faithfulness of God.

Worship at Free Methodist Church of Terre Blanche.
by Donn Raymond, HFH board member