An opportunity to help this holiday season:
Feeding your family is a serious challenge in Haiti and the annual drought conditions make it a desperate problem. Haiti Foundation of Hope is starting a training program to help. We are preparing to sponsor an agriculture training class for 20 people.
These community volunteers will then go into the villages and train local families on improved methods for their gardens. This will include introduction of bucket drip systems to irrigate gardens using minimal amounts of water yet insuring a yield during the drought season.
We will be using a professional trainer and proven curriculum to help individuals select the best crops for their garden and best methods for growing crops to maturity. Given the tropical climate of Haiti it is possible to grow a garden throughout the year providing food for the family and hopefully enough extra to sell in the market.
Our goal is to help rural Haitian families become self-sufficient economically and not dependent on outside help. This is a further advancement of our economic development efforts which were begun with the micro-loan program.
In addition to bringing in a professional Haitian trainer, we are working with a local Haitian leader who is trained in agriculture. He will select people to attend the class and lead them on an ongoing basis. This task of selecting volunteers is very important.
The five day training will be scheduled as soon as we are able to provide the funds for the instructor, training materials, meals during the class and transportation to Terre Blanche for the trainer (tap-tap bus and motorcycle taxi). The total for this week long training for 20 people is $3,200. We have already received $1,000 toward the goal.
In October, along with several Haitians, we built a model garden using the irrigation technique that will be taught in the class.
Thank you for your continuing interest in the work of Haiti Foundation of Hope.
In my meetings with the local leaders they said the training could begin as soon as this month if funds are available. I hope you will prayerfully consider a gift to this valuable opportunity to help Haitians become self-sufficient.