A few weeks ago, Pastor Delamy shared a story with us:
A community health worker from Dubedou was making home visits in the distant village of Grand Fond. At one home he found an extremely ill 67-year-old man, who was in need of immediate medical care.
The community health worker made arrangements, through the Clinic of Hope, for this man to be transported to the hospital in Gonaives. He was at the hospital for ten days and then released with instructions to go to the nearest health center for follow up.
The man’s wife brought him to the Clinic of Hope. Dr. Catiana placed the man in the observation room where a team of nurses cared for him day and night. After five days of intensive care at the Clinic of Hope, the man’s wife said, “now I start to see great hope thanks to God, thanks to Dr. Catiana and thanks to Elvire.”
Her testimony reminds me of two Haitian proverbs that are central to the mission of Haiti Foundation of Hope:
- Lespwa fe viv – Hope gives life.
- Men anpil chay pa lou – Many hands make light work.
Sadly, we received word that this man has cancer and surgery will not help. Would you join me in praying for this man and his family during this time?
Praise God for the servant leadership of Elvire, the compassionate heart of Dr. Catiana and the dedicated team of nurses who cared for this man. Praise God for the faithfulness of the community health volunteers who seek and find those who are far away and in need of care and real Hope.
by Katie Thom, R.N., HFH board member

The Clinic of Hope in Terre Blanche.
**HFH mission statement: Haiti Foundation of Hope is a Christian organization addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the people in the impoverished and underserved rural communities of northern Haiti.