Every trip to Haiti is exciting and gratifying. The gratifying part is learning so much each time. The micro-loan program is thriving with the use of the new training materials put into use two years ago. It is paying dividends in more successful small businesses and greatly improved repayments.
I sat in on a loan session while visiting last month. I saw that each member of an accountability group cosigns each loan. Whoever is getting a loan signs an agreement showing all the details of the loan and each of the other four members of the small group also signs the loan agreement. This process greatly strengthens the sense of responsibility of everyone involved. All of you who have contributed to this micro-loan fund can feel very confident in the successful use of your gifts that make these loans possible.
We are getting close to the $7,500 target for a new round of loans. We only need another $935 to achieve the goal. Thank you for your support. The borrowers in Terre Blanche, Dubedou and Finel are very grateful for the opportunity you have given them to work towards self-sufficiency.
Ron Kinley, October 2013 team member