Written by Sandra Van der Por, HFH board member:
Have you ever been part of an event that made you think, “this must be a little bit of what heaven will be like?” That is what we experienced the Sunday morning of the worship service/clinic dedication. The clinic was resplendent in paper decorations made by the women’s trade school. Visiting musicians came to play their instruments to the glory of God. Free Methodist pastors and other pastor friends of Pastor Delamy were handsomely dressed in their suits and so proud to be in this beautiful building that God had built for the community. Glorious singing and many words of testimony gave exuberant praise to God. Our hearts were so full with the richness of this experience.
At the end of the service the band started playing the Haitian national anthem with everyone joining in. The anthem is so symbolic of Haitian national dignity, but on this day Ray and I were particularly moved as we watched our Haitian pastor friends, faces beaming, lustily singing with such obvious patriotism. Despite all the hardships and dashed hopes they continue to endure every day of their lives in Haiti with their families, churches and communities, they can still sing about their country with optimistic love and pride and believe that God can deliver Haiti.