And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward. (Matt 10:42)
It is with great joy we pass on a progress report of Haiti Foundation of Hope caring for the little ones in the Artibonite Valley of Haiti.
On March 29, one doctor, two nurses, two community health volunteers, Pastor Delamy and a driver visited two nearby villages. Eighty-two children between the ages of six months and five years were assessed for malnutrition and parent education.
Measurements of height, weight and MUAC (mid-upper arm circumference) were taken, deworming medication was given and snacks (a rare treat) were provided. For the 18 cases of moderate malnutrition diagnosed, a six-week supply of the nutritional supplement Medika Mamba (peanut butter, honey, powdered milk, vitamins and minerals) was distributed.
Our dedicated staff began the day with a devotion and prayer. The assessment of the children followed, accompanied by education of the parents on the principles of hygiene, the importance of vaccinations, and how to adopt a balanced diet to win the battle against malnutrition.
As I see pictures of these parents with their precious children, I reflect on my own children and grandchildren sitting down every day to full plates with never a thought of going to bed hungry. And yet, parents and children in Haiti face this on a daily basis.
So what can $75 do? It can provide a six-week supply of Medika Mamba and save a child’s life.
We give thanks for the capable Haitian staff who are committed to caring for these little ones – giving a cup of cold water – and for the availability of Medika Mamba that can cause such a dramatic turnaround from life-threatening malnutrition to normal healthy measurements.
We give thanks, as well, for all of you and your participation in this vital work!
by Susan Paynter, R.N., HFH board member