Do you remember the story of the x-ray machine being shipped to the Clinic of Hope in Terre Blanche? A special crate was built to ship the machine. It traveled by truck, train, truck, boat and truck to Terre Blanche. However, it did not make it in working condition. The sensitive x-ray tube was damaged in shipping.
A new x-ray tube was purchased but there was still the question of how to get this sensitive piece to Haiti. The x-ray tube is the size of a football but came packaged in a box the size of a mini fridge and should only travel vertically. It certainly could not be sent as checked luggage.
Different ideas were explored: special air freight, special packaging with spring suspension, even a baby carrier. Those ideas were either too expensive or just impractical.
Finally it was decided that a separate airline seat should be purchased for the x-ray tube. The tube was named “Xtra Raymond” and arrived in Terre Blanche without problems.
It took over a year but the x-ray repair was successful. There was joy and excitement in the clinic when the word got out that the Clinic of Hope now had a working x-ray machine. “Xtra Raymond” will be put to good use.