As I reflect on 2022 and all the news that came out of Haiti – some of it was not good.
I read articles about people suffering from lack of food, healthcare and fuel, gang violence and kidnappings. This was some of the not so good news.
However, in Terre Blanche I see God at work. Even though some of the big city problems spill over to small communities and affect them such as inflation, food and fuel shortages, some things have not changed.
I praise God for Pastor Delamy and all the love and great things happening in Terre Blanche and the surrounding communities.
Church services are still happening with pastors in their communities. Pastor Delamy informed us that the church is growing. A few months ago, we were told of a young lady who had taken a leadership role in a Bible study when she shared that “God has a plan for your life.” How cool is that!
School has been modified but has remained open. The Clinic of Hope is staffed by Haitians. They have held open clinics and home visits in surrounding communities. And work is being done on the Maternity Center that will provide more access to maternal care for pregnant women.
I am inspired by the fact that the staff at the Clinic of Hope has grown and is able to care for all those who come. To me that is the best example of the people stepping up to the challenges in front of them.
God’s presence is shining through in spite of the troubles that Haiti has seen in recent years and I look to 2023 with HOPE.
by Dave Ezell, HFH board member
Psalms 62: 5-6 Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my HOPE comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

Some of the COH staff.