HFH Board Member, Dave Ezell, shares the fun way his church has found to support the work of Haiti Foundation of Hope:
My church, First Baptist Church of Brownsville, Oregon, held its Vacation Bible School the last week of July. One of the goals of our church family was to raise enough money, through VBS, to pay the salary of one teacher in Terre Blanche for one year. $1,500 was the goal.
The kids were told that if $500 was raised, one of our pastors would get a pie in the face on Sunday. If $1,000 was raised, the person in charge of VBS would get a pie in the face. And, if $1,500 was raised, our lead pastor would get a pie in the face.
Every day at VBS, kids brought money. On Sunday, our church family was invited to join in and we had an offering to make sure we met the goal.
God blessed tremendously! The total raised was over $3,200! Our goal was met and doubled! We are able to support two teachers in Terre Blanche for the coming year. This blessing was to my church family in Brownsville and to those in Terre Blanche.
When we found out the dollar amount, one of the student leaders volunteered to take a pie in the face – for a total of four people with pies in their faces.
Our church family has taken on the challenge of sending money for the work of HFH in previous years. I’m not sure why a church family gets excited about putting pie in the face of the pastors, but we do. I would encourage any church to have fun and raise money for Haiti Foundation of Hope in whatever way you see possible.
God is Good!