Churches are Alive and Well

Meeting Challenges
October 24, 2022

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HFH’s list of core values begins with: “Committed to Christ – We are committed to all the teachings of Christ, caring for the whole person (physical, spiritual, emotional, material). We recognize our own brokenness and need for transformation, acknowledging that true change comes from Christ alone.”

As part of our core values, the HFH board encourages and prays for the local church and church leadership. Those in the local church are the ones who reach out to their neighbors and community to show the love of Jesus. The ministries of the local church are funded by those in the church.


The churches in Terre Blanche, Finel, Dubedou and Anse Rouge are doing well. During these days of extreme difficulties, people are seeking answers and see the church as a source of hope.

A one-day retreat was organized by Pastor Delamy to encourage assistant Pastors, board members and other lay Christian workers earlier this year. In June and August, he met with key leaders from the four churches in order to keep their motivation high; praying together for wisdom for the situation in Haiti now, and implementing Christian strategies to address the daily challenges the people face. Church leaders are practicing what they are learning and Pastor Delamy is in touch with them. In these days of limited travel, he will often pray with them over the phone.

Pastor Delamy reports that all the churches are standing steadfast and growing. In September, the church in Finel held a baptism celebration where 13 people were baptized.

In Terre Blanche, people can start each day with “a spiritual cup of coffee” which is a time of prayer led by Mme. Elius. Thursday afternoons, finds Pastor Delamy leading a Bible study in the waiting area outside the Clinic of Hope. During each study, he mentors and models how to serve with joy as he invites one youth to share a verse or something from the heart.

Pastor Delamy and Mme. Elvire are well and give thanks to God for that.

We invite you to join us in praying for our sisters and brothers in Haiti – may they remain steadfast and show Jesus to others.

Meeting with church leaders.

Thursday Bible Study.

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