School uniform fabric distribution.
In August, Madam Elvire and others prepared the school uniform fabric for distribution. Parents picked up the fabric, taking it home to sew into school uniforms. Children were excitedly anticipating the new school year that would start Sept. 5.
However, at the end of August, Haiti’s Ministry of Education decided to postpone the start date until October 3 due to lack of fuel and transportation, lockdowns and general chaos throughout the country.
October 3 has come and gone and, at this time, the national schools are not open as people are unwilling to risk opening schools in the current situation.

Some of the children attending the special fall schedule.
However, in Terre Blanche children are coming to school for a modified curriculum. During the summer, children were attending a summer program and the Terre Blanche Education Committee made the decision to continue that special program until all teachers and students can safely return to school.
School lunches continue to be served to all who come. These meals mean so much to growing children and help the parents stretch their food resources.
Please pray for safety for those who travel to teach and work with the children in these crazy times and for those who prepare the valuable noon meal.
Thank you for providing lunches and supporting the education of these precious children who are the future of Haiti.